
Lifelong Commitment

She was an active member of The Metropolitan Organization (TMO) of Texas and was an activist for Pro-Life and Fair Pay for workers. This activism would lead her and others to march in front of City Hall to protest for these and many other causes.

Petra was actively involved in church bazaars over the years and could be found either working in the cocinita with family and fellow parishioners or working a flea market that she organized inside the gym. On all other Sundays throughout the year, Petra could be found after each mass standing along the church driveway selling rosaries and other religious articles to help raise money for the church. She volunteered selling rosaries up until her death.

During Petra’s adult life, she received many certificates of appreciation and was interviewed numerous times for published articles and books. A few of these interviews were conducted by the Houston Post, the Houston Chronicle, the University of Houston, the Architecture and Design Review of Houston, and the Houston Public Library- Houston Metropolitan Research Center.

Throughout her life she stayed committed to the only church and school she ever attended until her passing on July 27, 2015, at 95 years of age.


From the time she was a little girl to the age of twenty, Petra was always involved with the church. As a little girl, Petra was an active member in church societies such as St. Theresa the Little Flower, Children of Mary, and Catechist of Divine Providence. The Catechists of Divine Providence would eventually become its own congregation named the Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence when Sister Benitia returned to San Antonio.

Although Petra did not make her religious vows as a nun, she continued her devotion to God, the community, and Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church throughout her life. As a young adult, Petra studied and became a certified Red Cross assistant for the school and was active in the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) where her children were students.

During her lifetime, Petra was an active member with the Daughters of Mary, Holy Name Society, Alter Society, Eucharistic Ministry, Finance Committee, Parish Pastoral Council, Los Abuelitos de Guadalupe, Vasallos de Cristo Rey, and Las Guadalupanas.

She served as president for Los Abuelitos de Guadalupe, the Guadalupe Society and she helped count the church offerings for years. As president of the Guadalupe Society, she organized and completed 39 pilgrimage trips with fellow parishioners to San Juan, Texas.